Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Joey Rubin Bar Mitzvah Portraits - October 26, 2008

Mazel Tov to the Rubin and Simon Families! Joey should continue to grow in learning and middos. Thanks for keeping it fun!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Asher Loskove Bar Mitzvah Portraits - October 24, 2008

Mazel Tov Asher, Moshe, Esther, Parents, and Grandparents on Asher's Bar Mitzvah!

I am truly fortunate to do what I do. I've been photographing the Loskove family since Esther's Bat Mitzvah. To be able to create tangible memories for a family through the years is truly a special responsibility. Thank you again Loskoves, and I look forward to (G-d willing) capturing more memories for you in the future. Enjoy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Yoni Gabel Bar Mitzvah Portraits-October 24, 2008

Yeesh! Take a couple of weeks, bounce between Yontiff and Shabbos for awhile, and then for good measure add a bunch of work. But Yoni (and his family) were AWESOME! super cool and fun family. I'll get the pictures up as soon as I can. In the meantime, enjoy these.

Eli Abramowitz's Bar Mitzvah-October 19, 2008

Talk about Simcha on Succos! Eli (and all of the Abramowitzes), thank you for letting me photograph your Bar Mitzvah. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do. I think we got some terrific images.

Chana Leah's Sr Portraits-October 16, 2008

What a fun session. We got some great images. Her personality just leaps out at you! Thanks Chana Leah.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Avi Gutstein's Bar Mitzvah - September 27, 2008

Another Gutstein simcha, how fun! Mazel Tov to the entire Gutstein and Silverstein Families.