Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home Bound Healthcare Open House - September 23, 2008

Congratulations Home Bound Healthcare! Keep up the good work!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gesher Hatorah's 2nd Annual Dinner at Chicago Botanic Gardens - September 21, 2008

Mazel Tov To the Silversteins and Adelmans for being honored by such a wonderful institution! I look forward to working with Gesher Hatorah in the future.

Kayla Wolgel's Bat Mitzvah - September 21, 2008

Mazel tov Kayla, Nava, Sandy, and Regina. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of the Bat Mitzvah, and may the girls provide nachas for you and for all of klal yisroel. The rest of the pictures will be ready soon!

Frand-Niknum Wedding - September 15, 2008

Mazel Tov Jennifer & Rafi! What a great couple to photograph. And terriffic families to work with too! Thank you guys again for letting me photograph the wedding for you. Here are some shots from the wedding to tide you over until all of the others are ready. Enjoy!

Monday, September 15, 2008


One of my corporate clients is a company called Home Bound Healthcare. I recently got a call from them letting me know that there are 2 billboards in the Chicagoland area featuring my work! This is the first time I have had my work featured on billboards. It's a little surreal to see, but very cool. One is located at California and Touhy on the SE corner (pictured below). The other billboard is located just off of the Northbound I-294 in Melrose Park on the left hand side of the expressway (pictured above). You can see more of the work I've done for them at their website

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Isaac Bernhaut Bar Mitzvah Portraits - September 12, 2008

To Isaac and the whole Bernhaut family, a hearty Mazel tov! I'm glad I was able to photograph you guys on Friday. I"MH we won't get rained out from future Simchas. Mazel Tov again!

New Baby Boy Rine - September 10, 2008

My wife, kids, and I welcomed a new, beautiful baby boy to our family! Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate this joyous and wondrous addition to our home.

Yechiel Schaffel Bar Mitzvah - August 25, 2008

Wow, I can't believe Yechiel's a Bar Mitzvah Bachur already! Time flies. Here are some portraits to enjoy. He should continue to be a source of Joy & Pride for all.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Elissa Hoberman-Steven Seltzer Wedding - August 24, 2008

Mazel Tov Elissa & Steven.
Thank you for allowing me to photograph your wedding.
Enjoy the images!